
Sex Female
Position Dolphineer
Dolphin Dori
Craft Dolphin Craft
Rank Journeyman
Speciality Dolphin Linguistics and Sonar
Age 20
Birthplace Fort Weyr
Home Monaco Bay Weyr


Cute is this brunette with a certain girl-next-door look that often makes her look younger than she is. The look of innocence mixed with her short stature is quite the bane to put up with at times. Her hair is several shades of brunette with hints of blond or sometimes red in it depending on the season. It's thick and soft but short and shaggy, as if she carelessly takes scissors to it whenever it gets in the way. Untamed, it goes in whatever direction it may choose; wild and crazy, so unlike her personality. The rich earthy color of her hair makes the odd colors of her eyes stand out all the more within the slightly rounded contours of her face; the left is a clear ocean blue, the right a honey brown. Each cheek is set with a dimple that appears when she smiles, which is the case more often than not. While she stands barely 5'3" in her shoes, she is well toned from her time spent in the water swimming.

Generally, she's found wearing trousers in dolphin blue paired with a tunic of white. Sometimes, a blue jacket is worn if the weather is cool enough. On her feet or sandals or boots. Upon her shoulder is the cords and knot in blue and white of a Journeyman of the Dolphin Craft.


Lyzaen and Kalen, twins born to Jaylen and K'drozen, riders at Fort Weyr, they are the oldest children of the weyrmated pair. Growing up at Fort Weyr, they were just another pair of rider brats, running around the weyr, and being schooled by nannies and harpers. The two were never very far apart, always challenging one another to get into trouble, always trying to out-do one another.

From the moment they were introduced to the lake and taught to swim, they'd found something they both enjoyed. Combine that with a trip down to Southern one weekend where they met several dolphineers at work with their partners, and the two knew what they wanted to do in life. And thus began the constant barrage of pleas from them both to join the Dolphin Craft when they came of age.

That day came, and the two were taken there, where they have flourished over the years, rising quick as they could amongst the ranks. They both partnered with dolphins, and have recently become Journeymen, to be transfered to Monaco Bay with their dolphins, Dori and Atlas.


Name Relation Position Age Stationed
Jaylen Mother Dragonrider FOW
K'drozen Father Dragonrider FOW
Kalen Twin Brother Dolphineer 20 MBW
Kayn Younger Brother Guard 18 FOW


Sleek and streamlined is the female dolphin known as Dori. At about 8 feet long, she's large for her gender. From the top, she's dark grey, shading towards a dove grey along her belly, though her beaklike snout has a strange brownish birthmark coloring to the tip. Above the upper jaw is a large mass of fat and oil-containing tissue forming the so-called "melon" that looks much like a bulging forehead. Her front flippers are smooth as well, though the right has a darker hairline scar mid-line.
